New Wildcats Football Centre Applications Open Soon

Inspire 5-11 aged girls to get involved in the beautiful game

Join over 54 (largest in the country) SSE Wildcats Centres in West Riding and inspire 5-11 aged girls to get involved in the beautiful game!


Create and deliver a sustainable football offer for 5-11 year old girls, providing opportunities to experience football for the first time in a fun and safe environment.




The sessions take place on a weekly basis, either after school or at weekends, subject to the local organiser. They will provide a safe environment where girls with no football experience can; have fun engaging with sport, develop fundamental skills, try a variety of sessions, learn new things and create foundations for a lifelong love of sport.


Alongside the football for girls activities, there will also be opportunities for the attending parents, carers and siblings to engage with sport in ‘Family Sessions’, e.g. Soccercise/Walking football at the same time.


Each SSE Wildcats Girls Football Centre is run in conjunction with local County FA’s utilising qualified coaches and local facilities to offer girls a location nearby where they can get involved. If you would like to get involved and become an SSE Wildcats Centre please contact Steve Conboy – Football Development Officer (Women & Girls) on Steve.Conboy@westridingfa.com / 0113 282 1222.


Applications open on November the 1st.


Guidance for applicants

More info on wildcats