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Our Governance Hub

Welcome to our Governance Hub, where we take pride in transparency, accountability, and effective leadership through our refined Corporate Governance structure. 

Though often overshadowed by the glamour of our glossy business strategies and day to day interactions within grassroots football, effective corporate governance stands as the unsung backbone of our success, quietly ensuring stability, integrity, and ethical conduct in across our business operations. 

At the heart of our organisation lies a commitment to fostering a culture of excellence, inclusivity, and ethical practices in all facets of football administration, governance, and development. We are committed to achieving a governance framework meticulously designed to ensure the highest standards of decision-making, regulatory compliance, and stakeholder engagement.

Our governance structure encompasses a Board of Directors, responsible for strategic oversight and decision-making, ensuring alignment with the organisation’s mission and values. Comprising experienced individuals with diverse backgrounds, the Board brings a wealth of expertise to guide the company in achieving its objectives. Through regular meetings and open communication channels, the Board strives to maintain transparency and accountability to our stakeholders.

In addition to the Board, the West Riding FA adheres to a comprehensive set of policies and procedures. These policies cover various aspects, including financial management, safeguarding and equality, ensuring that our operations are applied consistently and conducted with the highest ethical standards. 

Our structure is shaped by the legal standards set forth in the Companies Act 2006 and is guided by the FA Code of Governance and Safeguarding 365 Standard (S365). These regulatory frameworks serve as the foundation for our practices, ensuring that we operate within the parameters of the law and adhere to best practices in football/sports governance.

As part of our ongoing commitment to excellence, we have set a target to achieve full compliance with the FA Code of Governance by December 2024. This commitment underscores our dedication to upholding the highest standards in governance, reflecting our responsibility to our members, stakeholders, and the broader football community.

We invite you to explore our governance structure further, as we continue to embrace the principles of the FA Code of Governance and continue to strive to enhance our governance structure for the betterment of the game locally.

West Riding FA organisation chart.

For ease of navigation, see below where to find specific documents (they will be available on the page or via associated links on the page): 

Page  Documents for download 
Principle 01: STRUCTURE  Membership Rules 
Articles of Association 
Business Strategy 2021-2024
Working Groups – Terms of Reference 
Corporate Governance Structure
Board Terms of Reference 
Reserved Matters for the Board 
Board Standing Orders
Division of Responsibility: The Board and The Executive
Directors Handbook 
Terms of Reference for Board Committees
Committee Membership 
Principle 2: PEOPLE  Diversity, Inclusion and Equality Plan 
Race Equality Plan 
Selection and Recruitment Policy – Directors 
Director Induction Procedure 
Director Job Role Profiles 
Board Skills, Knowledge, and Experience Framework
Board Training Policy 
Director Appraisal Process
Terms of Reference - Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) 
Terms of Reference - Community Ambassador Group (CAG) 
Board and Committee Evaluation Policy and Procedures
People Plan 
Selection and Recruitment Procedure – Employees
West Riding FA Staff
Staff Structure
Directors Declaration
Employee Guide
Principle 3: COMMUNICATION  Annual Report 2020-21
Annual Report 2021-22
Audited Accounts 2021-23 (18 months) 
Governance Progress Timeline 2019-2024 
Stakeholder Engagement Strategy 
Youth Engagement Strategy 
Board Summary Minutes (Smartsheet Link) 
Committee Summary Minutes (Smartsheet Link)
Principle 4: STANDARDS AND CONDUCT  Board Annual Appraisal Framework 
Board Declaration of Interest 
Code of Conduct – Staff 
Code of Conduct – Directors 
Annual Safeguarding Briefing – Volunteers 
Conflict of Interest Policy 
Principle 5: POLICIES AND PROCESSES  Companies Act - Duties and Liabilities of Directors. 
Health and Safety Policy 
Equality and Diversity Policy 
Whistleblowing Policy 
Data Protection and GDPR Policy 
Complaints Process 
Bribery and Anti-corruption Policy 
Gifts and Hospitality Policy 
Safeguarding and Adults at Risk Policy
Financial Operating Procedures Manual 
West Riding FA Risk Policy 
Board Expense and Remuneration Policy