Veterans Playing football


make sure your club and players are covered 


All grassroots clubs affiliated to the West Riding FA are covered under the West Riding FA Public Liability Scheme with the majority of clubs also members of the West Riding FA Personal Accident Scheme. Both schemes are provided by Sportsguard ( and meet the mandatory requirements as prescribed by the Football Association.

Public Liability Insurance

All clubs must have Public Liability Insurance cover of at least 10 million pounds (£10,000,000). Clubs can purchase PL insurance cover as part of the affiliation application or must provide evidence of compliant cover in the form of a cover note.

What is Public Liability Insurance?

Public Liability Insurance is there to protect the club and its officials if someone takes legal action out against the club or any of its members, primarily for third party injury or third-party property damage. 

Unfortunately, we now live in a litigation society, which means everyone is at risk especially if you are an amateur grassroots sports club. No one likes to think that any of these things will happen, but unfortunately, they do and when they do the club officials can be liable.

Personal Accident Insurance

The FA Standard Code of Rules for Open Age and Youth states that all clubs affiliated must insure their players against injury (Personal Accident Insurance) when playing for their club.

For Open Age Clubs (19 yrs +), such insurance must offer a minimum benefit of £30.00 per week.

For Youth Clubs (U7 – U18), the minimum level of cover shall be dictated by the Football Association and shall be communicated to clubs on an annual basis.

Clubs can purchase PA insurance for adults and youth teams cover as part of the affiliation application or must provide evidence of compliant cover in the form of a cover note.

What is Personal Accident insurance?

Personal Accident Insurance protects players and club members against the consequences of accidents whilst playing in, training for, or travelling to a club fixture resulting in accidental, injury, death, or disability. The cover includes a weekly benefit in addition to the one-off lump sums.

West Riding FA provide a choice of 6 levels of cover for Adult Football, the entry level (Enhanced 30) reflecting the minimum requirements of the Football Association and 1 level of cover for Youth Football.

Further information on all levels of PA cover can be found below:

How to make a claim



‘Player to Player’ cover is a term used to define a situation where a claim arises from one player injuring another whilst participating in a game or training. Player to Player Liability is NOT available to purchase from West Riding FA as the risk is far too high and the premium fees would be cost prohibitive for grassroots clubs. The West Riding FA Policy therefore excludes Player to Player Liability; however, does include £200,000 legal defence costs to defend a case.
The landmark case involving Ossett United in 2019 involved a claim against a semi-professional football club with contracted players. Although the player wasn’t contracted, he was paid expenses but at a value in excess of reasonable out of pocket expenses. This constituted a employee - employer relationship. This relationship does not exist in the amateur grassroots game where players are non-contracted.
The Policy provided by West Riding FA in partnership with Sportsguard Insurers is more than adequate for grassroots amateur football clubs. 

If you need to make a claim, then please email and request a claim form.

To view all the current claim procedures, please click here.

If you receive any kind of legal letter from a solicitor accusing you of any wrongdoing, then please send it through to Sportsguard unanswered as quickly as possible.

You can call Sportsguard on 01604 644277 and they will give you a dedicated person to liaise with.

Property & equipment insurance – this is designed to protect the club assets, i.e., club houses or training equipment.

Sports travel insurance – if you are planning on a sports tour outside of the UK

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