Local Authority Pitches
West Riding FA have been advised by a number of Local Authorities that their pitches will not be available for clubs to use (be it training or fixtures) until they are happy they have got all requirements in place
Local Authorities have a duty and responsibility to make sure all pitches have everything in place that is required of them to ensure the safety of all participants. This means there could be some delays to Local authorities opening your pitches and sites. We know all clubs will support the local authorities in getting everything in place that is required for a safe return of football.
Whilst this might not please all parties, however safety of all participants must be paramount to any decision made by a local authority on the use of their sites.
If you are looking to or have recently requested sanction for any friendly fixtures in August and normally use a LA pitch, please ensure that you have permission to use the facility, otherwise your insurance will be void.
This is a difficult time for facility providers so please respect their decision to delay their opening