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Energy Saving Audit

Energy Saving Audit

West Riding FA have been approached by a sport-specific specialist energy procurement company to carry out some initial research with clubs to determine how energy bills might be substantially reduced. We understand energy represents one of the largest outgoing’s clubs face. We are also aware that energy procurement has become increasingly complicated and it is often very difficult to identify which rates genuinely offer good value.

Therefore, in light of the very significant operational and financial challenges that we are all facing as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are undertaking some important preliminary research as a pilot project to determine the levels of cost savings available to clubs in our County.

In order to support this assessment stage, we would ask that you take part in our simple audit by clicking on the link below:

Energy Saving Audit 2020

*The link opens up a Smartsheet form and requires you to provide a photograph or scan of your most recent copy of your Club’s latest gas and electric energy bill, which will highlight the detail and tariff information/costs etc.

Upon completion of our audit, our partner will then analyse, model and validate the scale of benefits available to the Clubs and will present these results to ourselves so that we can agree next steps.

Please note that any data provided will not be shared with third parties other than our appointed specialists.

We thank you in advance for your support with this.