Disability Training for clubs

Disability Training for Clubs Workshop

The workshop covered a number of areas to support clubs and officials

This week, we hosted a regional workshop for clubs looking to start their journey to inclusion and engage people with disabilities at their clubs. The workshop was delivered by national FA consultants and representatives from the Activity Alliance.

In attendance on Tuesday evening, we had our Disability Football Ambassadors and Disability Coach Mentors, sharing their vast experience and knowledge with the 13 clubs in attendance from across the region. Clubs engaged in a self-assessment of their current position, before identifying where they want to get to and what they can do to create a positive environment to engage people with disabilities. 

The workshop covered a number of areas to support clubs and officials including;

What is meant by disability and the different models used
Disability pathways within football
Inclusive language and terminology use
Dispelling some of the myths and misconceptions 

West Riding FA Football Development Officer, Tom Dent, said “It’s an exciting time for clubs within disability football with the FA investing in programmes and resources to support new and existing provision. From the development of The FA’s new Comets programme, to the deployment of Disability Football Ambassadors and Coach Mentors. This week's event kick-started the journey for most in the room, some have recently started delivery and others have established teams within their clubs. It was great to see so many of our clubs attend the event, looking to develop and enhance their disability provision. There was some fantastic discussion among clubs, ambassadors and CFA staff, with plenty of action points to pick up on the back of the event! A huge thank you to Andrew Whitaker and Lesley Doughty, who delivered the workshop on Tuesday night, they were fantastic in facilitating discussion between clubs and imparting their knowledge on the room.”

Head of Football Development, Jo de Tute, said “It was fantastic to see so many like-minded people in the room talking about how we can all work together to create more football opportunities for disabled people across West Riding.  As a County FA, we know and understand how important it is to support the development of all football opportunities, but with the introduction of programmes such as Comets, Disability Recreational Centres & Just Play Centres, Disability training, the Disability Toolkit for clubs, and access to Disability mentors and ambassadors, it is a great time to be involved in further developing opportunities within the disability football space.”

For any clubs interested in disability provision, accessing programmes or support with engaging people with disabilities at your club, you can download the FA’s Disability Toolkit (below) or for more information, contact our Football Development Officer, Tom Dent on 01132 821222 or email tom.dent@westridingfa.com